The ISACA CGEIT certification represents a global standard for excellence in IT governance. It signifies a combination of passing a comprehensive exam and recognition of your professional experience in management and education. Earning the CGEIT designation offers broader recognition in the job market and enhances your influence as a senior manager or director working at the board level.

Our CGEIT exam preparation course is meticulously designed to ensure your success in the challenging Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) exam on your first attempt. Delivered in a compact four-day format, this course maximizes your time efficiency and minimizes any unnecessary time away from your workplace. It has proven to be significantly more effective than self-study methods, which demand more time and commitment.

This course is a part of our comprehensive ISACA Examination Preparation Programme, tailored to provide a thorough and intensive preparation to assist candidates in passing the CISA, CISM, CGEIT, or CRISC exams.

CGEIT certification grants you the credibility to engage in crucial discussions regarding governance and strategic alignment, and it opens doors for potential advancement to C-suite positions if you’re not already there.

Our training course offers concentrated review and preparation for the CGEIT exam, covering all CGEIT job practice areas.

Responsible for establishing and managing an enterprise IT governance framework that aligns with the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Task Statements:

  1. Establish an IT governance framework that supports the achievement of enterprise goals and stakeholder value, considering benefits realization, risk management, and resource optimization.

  2. Define the requirements and objectives for the IT governance framework, incorporating input from various sources such as principles, policies, processes, organizational structures, culture, ethics, information, services, infrastructure, and people’s skills.

  3. Ensure that the IT governance framework complies with relevant internal and external requirements, including principles, policies, standards, laws, regulations, and contractual agreements.

  4. Incorporate strategic planning processes into the IT governance framework to guide IT initiatives in line with business objectives.

  5. Integrate enterprise architecture (EA) into the IT governance framework to enhance IT-driven business solutions.

  6. Implement comprehensive and repeatable processes and activities within the IT governance framework.

  7. Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities for information systems and IT processes.

  8. Monitor, review, report, and address issues related to the IT governance framework.

  9. Organize structures to facilitate effective planning and implementation of IT-enabled business investments.

  10. Create communication channels to emphasize the value of IT governance and enhance transparency regarding IT costs, benefits, and risks across the organization.

  11. Periodically assess the IT governance framework, identifying areas for improvement.

In this domain, the focus is on making sure that Information Technology (IT) plays a pivotal role in helping the organization achieve its goals. This involves harmonizing IT’s strategic plans with the overarching enterprise plans. Here are the key tasks:

  1. Oversee and assess the IT strategic planning procedures to ensure they align with the organization’s objectives.
  2. Establish and enforce the necessary policies and procedures to ensure that IT and enterprise strategies are in sync.
  3. Ensure that the processes and outcomes of IT strategic planning are well-documented and effectively communicated.
  4. Integrate enterprise architecture (EA) into the IT strategic planning process.
  5. Prioritize IT initiatives in a way that contributes to achieving the organization’s goals.
  6. Make sure that IT objectives translate into clear roles, responsibilities, and actions for IT staff.

This domain focuses on making sure that investments in IT systems deliver the maximum business benefits. It involves establishing and evaluating measures to track the progress of benefit realization and reporting this progress to important stakeholders. Here are the task statements:

  1. Manage IT-enabled investments as a portfolio.
  2. Guide IT-enabled investments throughout their economic life cycle to achieve business benefits.
  3. Establish business ownership and accountability for IT-enabled investments.
  4. Ensure that IT investment management practices align with the enterprise’s investment management practices.
  5. Evaluate and benchmark IT-enabled investment portfolios, IT processes, and IT services to achieve business benefits.
  6. Create and evaluate outcome and performance measures to track progress toward enterprise and IT objectives.
  7. Monitor and promptly report outcome and performance measures to key stakeholders.
  8. Identify, prioritize, initiate, and manage improvement initiatives based on outcome and performance measures.

Establish an IT risk management framework that encompasses the identification, analysis, mitigation, management, monitoring, and communication of IT-related business risks, ensuring alignment with the enterprise risk management (ERM) framework. Task Statements:

  1. Establish comprehensive processes for IT risk management, covering the identification, analysis, mitigation, management, monitoring, and communication of IT risks.
  2. Address legal and regulatory compliance requirements through IT risk management practices.
  3. Align IT risk management with the enterprise risk management (ERM) framework.
  4. Secure senior-level management sponsorship for IT risk management.
  5. Develop and communicate IT risk management policies, procedures, and standards.
  6. Identify key risk indicators (KRIs) to assess potential risks effectively.
  7. Ensure timely reporting and appropriate escalation of risk events and responses to the relevant management levels.

Guarantee the efficient utilization of IT assets, encompassing information, services, infrastructure, applications, and personnel, to support the attainment of enterprise goals. Task Statements:

  1. Establish and oversee processes for identifying, obtaining, and maintaining IT resources and capabilities, such as information, services, infrastructure, applications, and personnel.

  2. Assess, guide, and oversee sourcing strategies to consider existing resources and enhance the utilization of IT resources.

  3. Integrate IT resource management into the strategic and tactical planning of the enterprise.

  4. Align IT resource management processes with the enterprise’s overall resource management procedures.

  5. Implement a resource gap analysis procedure to ensure that IT can fulfill the enterprise’s strategic objectives.

  6. Develop policies to provide guidance for IT resource sourcing strategies, including the establishment of service level agreements (SLAs) and modifications to sourcing strategies.

  7. Implement policies and procedures for evaluating, training, and developing staff to meet enterprise requirements and promote personal and professional growth.

Throughout the course, you will delve into various aspects for each Domain, including:

  1. Definition
  2. Objectives
  3. Task and knowledge statements
  4. Practice exam questions

Additionally, the course encompasses a comprehensive practice exam and provides valuable hints and tips for further revision.


Please note that the CGEIT exam is not included in this training course. Candidates must independently schedule their Computer-Based Testing (CBT) exam session with ISACA. Our experience suggests that attendees have the highest chance of success if they take the exam approximately two to three weeks after completing this training course.


This course is tailored for:

  1. IT managers and directors aspiring to advance their careers in IT governance.
  2. IT consultants/contractors aiming to offer guidance on IT governance to larger organizations.

The course targets IT professionals preparing for the Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) examination, which is conducted through Computer-Based Testing (CBT) sessions available during three testing windows annually. Successful candidates, with a minimum of five years of relevant work experience, will attain the CGEIT qualification.


While there are no mandatory prerequisites for attending this course, please note that it serves as exam preparation, and all participants are expected to possess a fundamental understanding of the CRISC job practice knowledge domains.


Training duration options:

  • Minimum: 5 Days
  • Maximum: 2 Months (Saturdays or Sundays only)

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